Thursday, November 15, 2012


You know you're growing up/old when you hit the age where your close friends and batch mates are starting to get married. :/ (And sometimes you can't help but question or even dread--when's it going to be my turn? D:)

But instead of looking at it on a depressing note, like I usually would (since I am a Peter Pan at heart and want to stay in my Neverland and never grow up), I am starting to see this in a joyous and celebratory kind of way--a noble kind of joy, the kind you would feel for a friend, not for yourself.

Although we did this on a completely voluntary basis, and we each had to make quite a few sacrifices to make this work, I'm really very thankful to have been a part of this WP Project. It wasn't an issue of whether Nina would say yes or not (she definitely would), it was more of an issue of Meree and Nina's friends all coming together and showing their support and love for the couple, and how much we prayed for their happiness--how much we wanted them to be happy together.

It was truly a blessing to be involved in this. Not to mention this is sort of almost like similar to a first big RANXM project, where we all came together to show our support for our dearest friends, and to give our time, effort and abilities into making this proposal work. ^_^ (looking forward to more possible RANXM projects heh)

The days leading up were so nerve wrecking--people not knowing 3 out of the 4 songs, blocking still being a blurry mess, coordination, cleanliness, clarity of steps....we were all worried and nervous for Meree, but also exceedingly excited :) It was a strange mix of worried excitement that kept us working and rushing, but still so eager to see how things would work out.

As the good Lord would have it, we had perfect weather on the day itself. And the best run ever during the actual proposal. (Thank you for answering our prayers!!!)

Nina isn't the kind of girl who's overly emotional or cry easily, but seeing her touched tears of joy just instantly made everyone on the site feel that everything was worth it. Every little thing, down to the last joint I cracked from squatting/kneeling suddenly (lol that was my bad). She was happy, and that made it worth it. :)

I'm so proud to have a friend like Meree who is living proof that people can be capable of unwavering, mature, and long-lasting love, even in a messed-up society like today's. I've seen countless examples of changed hearts, fickle-mindedness, unfaithfulness, disloyalty, and I have been disappointed and have also disappointed many times. Sometimes it's bleak to look at how ugly people can become when they let the evil one take a stronghold over them, but there is good in every one of God's creations, and friends like these remind me of His goodness and what He wants us to be like. 9 years of a relationship that is still going strong--that's some love they've got going. :)

People have changed in my life and in my close friends' lives, sometimes to the point where we hardly recognise them anymore. Hearts waver, feelings fade, promises don't last, and souls drift apart. But times and things are ever shifting and ever changing, and who knows what The Lord will one day bring back to you?

I believe in unconditional love and unending love, and I pray I always will.
My precious friends have always told me to surround myself with those who love me, and to keep what makes me happy close to my heart. It is about time I throw out all the negativity and the bad company and the evil around me that the world taints people with.

This proposal showed me endless acts of selflessness, where no one did this for themselves, they did it because they wanted the couple to be happy. This is the greatest form of love--pure selfless love. And I saw it in each of the WP dancers, at every prac, and at the barrage itself.

An unforgettable experience, with unforgettable people, who all wish our two dear friends all the very best for life's next journey awaiting them.

Thank you for letting me be part of The Perfect Proposal. :)

1 comment:

Sali said...

Ooooh.... aww this is really darn sweet haha :D <3! I finally know what the flashmob was about LOL